Well Digitization

WellToDesk offer digitization of field prints from either paper (or film) or graphic files (e.g. pdf). We can digitize the following data:

  • Standard Open Hole Logging Data (Triple combo etc.)
  • DIpmeter Data
  • Borehole Images

WellToDesk uses a combination of commercially available (Neuralog) and proprietary software for digitization. Borehole Images are first run through Neuralog to obtain all the conventional data such as Gamma Ray, Calipers, orientation data etc. The actual images themselves are passed through our proprietary software to extract the image data. Pad tools will be broken apart back to the original button data, such that the resultant DLIS file can be read in most modern analysis platforms. We have a catalogue of color maps which we use to get the best digitization we can.

We always recommend the largest scale plots available for this work.

The digitized borehole images can sometimes have fixes made to the orientation where errors are noted. Travel time curves will be recreated and the required tool parameters for conversion to radii provided.

contact support@welltodesk.com for a quote.
